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  • Article conforms to the terms present at the "guidelines for authors" tab
  • I declare that article has NOT been published or submitted elsewhere for publication.
  • I guarantee that the work is original and does not infringe copyright or other party’s property rights.
  • I declare that all authors have read and approved this submission and I have given appropriate credit to everyone who participated in this work.
  • The Authorship, Contribution and Copyright Agreement form & Declarations forms have been both uploaded with the manuscript in pdf format
  • Name/s and affiliation/s are uploaded separately from the main manuscript for double blind peer review purposes
  • The manuscript is uploaded with no authors' names or affiliations in word format
  • In case of the use of human/animal specimen, patients/volunteers, patient images, or case reports: (i) I declare that ETHICAL APPROVAL has been taken from Institutional Review Board/Local Ethical Committee and will present when asked by the editor. (ii) I declare that PATIENTS CONSENT have been taken and will present when asked by the editor. If the patient has died, then consent for publication must be sought from the next of kin of the patient. (iii) I am sure that ETHICAL APPROVAL and PATIENTS CONSENT statements have been documented in the article.
  • Images have a resolution of 300-600 dpi for the gray and color scale and are included in the context of the manuscript (even if they are attached separately in the supplement component part of the submission)
  • All relevant declarations of conflicts of interest have been clarified and submitted.
  • Similarity check (Plagiarism) does not exceed 20% (iThenticate based)

For detailed Author Guidlines please see the  "For authors" section in the journal home page and comply with all the requirements. Also, by pressing the "Submission and Forms"  tab you can either download a sample template or download and sign the mandatory forms (Authorship, Contribution and Copyright Agreement/Declarations form)